When it rains it pours ... I’m in the middle of working on my Holiday Parody, thinking it will be the last one in ’08, when BAM!! O.J. Simpson gets sentenced. The auto industry is on life support. And as if that’s not enough, this governor with really funny hair and an equally funny name gets busted for trying to sell a Senate seat!! Really!?! And it’s all happening at the same time!?! It’s the perfect parody storm. I actually started writing a Detroit parody, but it was really depressing. But Blago and O.J. – they’re pretty laughable. One in jail, the other likely on his way. How could I resist? BTW, you can’t imagine the images that turned up when I was Googling “Prison Bitch” and “Prison Shower.” Or maybe you can...
Rod Blagojevich and O.J. Simpson lead an all-star cast in this musical parody salute to famous felons. Take a look and we think you’ll agree -- what we do to this Elvis classic is criminal! Special appearances by: Paris Hilton, Michael Vick, Martha Stewart, Jon Stewart & David Letterman.
I’ll be the first to admit it: I have parking issues. Mall parking lots cause me stress on a good day. During the Holiday Season, it’s a friggin’ nightmare!!! It’s to the point where I won’t go anywhere near a mall from October until March!!! I share this with you for two reasons. First, I thought it would be appropriate at this time of year to do a Holiday-themed parody. Since this whole parking thing haunts me every year, I figured, “Why not sing about it?” (After all, it’s cheaper than therapy.) Secondly, I think it’s time to raise awareness about Parking Stress Syndrome. SEND THIS PARODY TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! Together, we can find a cure. I’m sure I’m not the only one who suffers from this problem. Am I?....
‘Tis the season for overcrowded malls and packed parking lots. During this most joyous of seasons, we raise our voices in musical parody to celebrate this annual hellish Holiday nightmare. Looking for some “Peace on Earth” and “good will towards man?” Then don’t look here!!